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ICSE Board

JAVA (Computer Application)

Mastering Java programming opens up diverse career opportunities and enhances your skills, making you a stronger developer in other languages.

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Boost Your Logic: Learn full basic to advance tips in Our Exclusive Course!

Trusted by many Students

Batch for

2024 - 2025


365 Days

Course Validity

1 year


Aligned as ICSE Board.

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60 Mins

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Course content...

Syllabus for 9th

  • Principles of Object Oriented Programming (Difference between Procedure Oriented and Object Oriented)
  • Four principles of Object Oriented Programming (Data abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation)
  • Introduction to JAVA
    • Types of java programs – Applets and Applications
    • Java Compilation process
    • Java Source code, Byte code, Object code
    • Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
    • Features of JAVA - Simple, Robust, secured, object oriented, platform independent, etc.

  • Modelling entities and their behaviour by objects
  • Class as a specification for objects and as an object factory
  • Computation as message passing/method calls between objects
  • Objects encapsulate state (attributes) and have behaviour (methods)
  • Class as a user-defined data type

  • Character set, ASCII code, Unicode, Escape sequences
  • Tokens (Keywords, Identifiers, Literals, Punctuators, Operators)
  • Constants and Variables
  • Data types, type conversions
  • Escape sequences [\n, \t, \\, \”, \’]

  • Forms of operators (Unary, Binary, Ternary)
  • Types of operators (Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Assignment, etc.)
  • Counters, Accumulators
  • Operator precedence and associativity
  • 'new' operator, dot (.) operator

  • Initialization – Data before execution
  • Parameters – at the time of execution
  • Input stream – data entry during execution using Scanner class methods
    • nextShort(), nextInt(), nextLong(), nextFloat(), nextDouble(), next(), nextLine(), next().charAt(0)
  • Types of errors: syntax errors, runtime errors, logical errors
  • Types of comments: single line (//), multi-line (/* ... */)

  • Introduction to package java.lang (default)
  • Methods of Math class: pow(x, y), sqrt(x), cbrt(x), ceil(x), floor(x), round(x), abs(a), max(a, b), min(a, b), random()
  • Java expressions using operators and Math class methods

  • if, if-else, if-else-if ladder
  • switch-case, default, break
  • Menu-driven programs
  • System.exit(0) – terminate the program

  • Types of loops: for, while (entry controlled), do-while (exit controlled)
  • Variations in looping statements
  • Jump statements: break, continue
  • Finite and infinite loops
  • Multiple counter variables (initializations and updates)

  • Introduction to nested loops with simple examples
  • Break and continue with nested loops
  • Programs based on nested loops: rectangular, right-angled triangle patterns
  • Series involving a single variable

  • Ethical issues in computing
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Protection of individual’s right to privacy
  • Data protection on the internet
  • Protection against spam
  • Software piracy, cybercrime, hacking
  • Protection against malicious intent and malicious code
  • Good etiquette and ethical practices in computing

Syllabus for 10th

  • Objects encapsulate state and behaviour.
  • Member variables, attributes, or features define the state.
  • Member methods define the behaviour of objects.
  • Class as an abstraction for objects and as an object factory.
  • Primitive and composite data types; variable declarations for both types.
  • Objects as instances of a class.
  • Real-life examples to explain the concepts of classes and objects.

  • Need and syntax of methods.
  • Forms of methods: method definition, calling, and overloading.
  • Call by value and call by reference.
  • Use of static and non-static methods.
  • Pure and impure methods.
  • Returning values from methods.
  • Polymorphism through method overloading.

  • Definition and characteristics of constructors.
  • Types of constructors: default and parameterized.
  • Constructor overloading.
  • Difference between constructors and methods.

  • Introduction to wrapper classes and autoboxing/unboxing.
  • Primitive types and their corresponding wrapper classes.
  • Common methods of wrapper classes: parseInt, parseFloat, etc.

  • Access specifiers: private, protected, and public.
  • Scope and visibility of variables (class, instance, argument, local).

  • Definition, declaration, and initialization of arrays.
  • Single and double-dimensional arrays.
  • Sorting (selection and bubble sort) and searching (linear and binary search).

  • String class and its methods: length, charAt, indexOf, etc.
  • String arrays and string manipulation.
  • Sorting and searching strings using bubble sort and linear search.

Some sample problems are given below as examples:

Programs for 9th:

  • Calculation of Area / Volume
  • Conversion of temperature
  • Swapping of values

  • Implementation of standard formula, etc.

  • Implementation of standard formula, etc.

  • Larger/smaller of two numbers
  • Cube root, square root
  • Absolute value
  • Power, etc.

  • (a) if programs:
    • Larger / smaller of two numbers
    • Check divisibility of a number
  • (b) if - else programs:
    • Odd or even number
    • Eligibility to vote
    • Upper case or lower case
    • Positive or negative number
    • Vowel or Consonant
    • Buzz number, etc.
  • (c) if-else-if programs:
    • Programs based on discount, interest, bonus, taxes, commission
    • Programs based on slab system
    • Programs based on Nested if

  • Day of the week
  • Name of the month
  • Names of the seasons
  • Calculator
  • Vowel or consonant, etc.

  • Programs based on for loop
  • Printing simple series, summation of simple series, product of simple series
  • Prime number, perfect number, composite number, Fibonacci series, LCM, HCF
  • Find the biggest and smallest number from n entered numbers
  • Programs based on while loop (Armstrong number, Spy number, Niven number, Palindrome number)

  • Rectangular and triangular (right-angled triangle) patterns
  • Series involving a single variable

  • Generate first n multiples of numbers from 1 to the limit input by the user.

  • Menu-driven programs based on various conditions and user input.

Programs for 10th:

  • (a) Programs depicting the concept of pure, impure, static, non-static methods.
  • (b) Programs based on overloaded methods.
  • (c) Programs involving data members, member methods invoking the methods with respect to the object created.

  • (a) Programs based on different types of constructors mentioned in the scope of the syllabus.
  • (b) Programs/outputs based on constructor overloading.

  • (a) Outputs based on all the methods mentioned in the scope of the syllabus.
  • (b) Programs to check whether a given character is an uppercase, lowercase, digit, etc.

  • Questions based on identifying the different variables like local, instance, arguments, private, public, class variable, etc.

  • (a) Programs based on accessing the elements of an array.
  • (b) Programs based on sorting techniques mentioned in the scope of the syllabus.
  • (c) Programs based on search techniques mentioned in the scope of the syllabus.
  • (d) Programs on Double dimensional arrays as given in the scope of the syllabus.

  • (a) Outputs based on all the string methods mentioned in the scope of the syllabus.
  • (b) Programs based on extracting characters from a given string and manipulating the same.
  • (c) Palindrome string, pig Latin, alphabetical order of characters, etc.

Why choose this course?

Comprehensive Learning Approach
  • Hand-written notes
  • 100+ programs with solutions
  • Step-by-step video tutorials
Mock Tests & Question Papers
  • 5 Full-Length Mock Tests
  • Previous Year Papers
Doubt-Clearing Sessions

Attend dedicated doubt-clearing sessions to get your queries resolved in real-time with personalized guidance.

Expert Guidance

Learn from professionals with years of experience, providing valuable insights and real-world problem-solving techniques.

Affordable Pricing

Our course is available at just ₹999 (MRP: ₹5000), offering incredible value with all features included.

Certificate of Completion

Earn a certificate of completion that showcases your proficiency in C programming, adding value to your resume.

Frequently Asked Questions

This course is for beginners and intermediate learners who want to build a strong foundation in C programming.

You will have 1 year access to the course material and can learn at your own pace.

Yes, you will receive a certificate after completing the course, which you can showcase to potential employers.

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